Reconstruction of heat supply networks between ŠK 1Ž-14 and ŠK 7Ž-7A Draugystės st., Kaunas
Customer: AB “Kauno energija”
Conducted work for 2 000 000 Eur
Reconstruction of heat supply networks between ŠK 4T-24 and ŠK 4T-27 Medvėgalio st., Kaunas
Customer: AB “Kauno energija”
Conducted work for 1 500 000 Eur
Reconstruction of heat supply networks between ŠK 8K-1 and point “A” Raudondvario pl. 103, Kaunas
Customer: AB “Kauno energija”
Conducted work for 1 300 000 Eur
Reconstruction of Klaipeda city 4P main heating networks from 4P-24 to 4P-26
Customer: AB “Klaipėdos energija”
Conducted work for 1 000 000 Eur
Reconstruction of heat supply networks from ŠK 91320 to ŠK 91322 and from ŠK 91321 to ŽL01 Žirmūnų str., Vilnius
Customer: AB “Vilniaus šilumos tinklai”
Conducted work for 1 000 000 Eur
Reconstruction of heat supply networks in Žirmūnų str. 151, Vilnius